

Saturday 26 April 2014

let's mango!

Let's mango!... or tango, with each of the unique atmospheres, services and products that we mingle with as we hop from one cafe or restaurant to the next in our local areas. Through this blog a group of us will be providing you with information from each of our individual experiences at cafes and restaurants that we visit.

I am Nicole from the cafe exploring team so hello! Here is a little about myself...
I have a passion for food, particularly eating it but sometimes cooking it (although I'm not very good). I have a HUGE sweet tooth but also value healthy meals due to my extensive participation in sport like soccer and touch football. I currently study at university, work as an infants soccer coach and am a youth leader for year 9 girls at church. Amidst all these activities that keep me very busy I love to kick back and enjoy some food and conversation in one of the many relaxing cafes and restaurants on the Central Coast. 

Hi I'm Emily from the cafe exploring team! I love a good food blog, as I frequently check out most cafes and eateries online before I visit them. Food blogs and social media have really helped consumers make informed decisions about establishments before they visit and help them weed out the bad food and bad service! On a typical weekend, I'll usually visit two or three cafes for breakfast or brunch - my favourite meals! I try to experiment a little and rarely get the same thing twice, to get a good feel of a place and what it has to offer.

Our other cafe exploring friends Brendan and Michael both have a diverse and exciting range of interests and are from different areas around the Sydney region and are also keen to share with you our array of experiences. 

Don't forget that it takes two to tango, us and YOU! So join us on our food-loving adventures and enjoy! (:

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